About Us

We met in the early ’90s at Dolly magazine, where we earned the trust of our readers by telling it as it was. Add 30 years, and we now have a lot more to share.

Between us, we have buried parents and had children, explored all kinds of relationships, hit personal highs, run away, launched businesses, gone back to basics, loved, lost and experienced the consequences.

We have launched Tonic as a lighthouse where like-minded women can find information, inspiration and conversation. Just as we did at Dolly, we base our approach on inclusiveness and mutual support – only this time, we are older, wiser and better.

We are Generation Visible, the women over 45 who refuse to fade away and who call it as they see it. We believe women should feel honoured, valued and recognised. Please join us as we tackle mid-life with honesty, humility and hilarity.


Portraits_ Carlotta Moye
Illustration_ WH Chong


Generation Visible