Instant Calm Is Going To Get You


Sometimes life serves up too much in one day. Too many demands from family members, too many people “reaching out” through a dozen different digital channels, an agitated boss, renovations next door. It doesn’t take much to slip into a stress spiral, which can have a long-term effect on your health.

“When you are constantly worrying and reacting and it goes on too long, it can develop into anxiety or depression,” says Caroline Hunt, from the School of Psychology at the University of Sydney.

When you feel a stress spiral start, the first step is to acknowledge what is happening. “Tell yourself, ‘This is something anybody would find stressful’,” Professor Hunt says. Finding a way to step away from whatever is stressing you is also vital.

Professor Hunt says we need to practise self-compassion and adds that “It’s a skill that needs to be built up.” Physically changing your environment, say, by going for a walk, can help, but the key is to ensure you switch off mentally, too. “If you go for a walk, don’t take the worries with you. Just focus on what you see around you – it gives the body and mind a break from the stress.”

I asked the Tonic team to share their favourite quick fix when they need to relax and discovered that often, it’s little things that can make a big difference.




Take it to the bath. So simple, so restorative. Sometimes I turn it into dinner and a bath. Other nights it’s movie and a bath, and sometimes it’s a soak with a bucket load of magnesium. It’s not like I have baths all the time, more like every fortnight, but that gives me something to really look forward to.


Walking round the block, fresh air and listening to the sounds around me helps to reset my mind when it’s whirling.


Noom has a body scan on YouTube that takes less than eight minutes and guides you through relaxation techniques. It leaves you refreshed, quick smart!


I live by the water, and nothing calms me as quickly as watching the motion of the ocean.


I hold my stress in my shoulders. Sometimes my husband kindly offers a neck massage, otherwise it’s yoga: downward dog or dolphin pose. I also use lavender or bergamot oil to help me relax.


The Tennis Clash app helps me really get into the zone and focus. Even though the game is super quick, my mind is totally in the moment like I’m Ash Barty!


When I need a bit of time to myself to relax I go into a quiet room and do a set with the Yoga-Go app. It offers a different combination each time and I look forward to the variety. I always feel revitalised after.


I’m all about the music – turn it up, dance around, shake it out – if I’m at home. To really de-stress and relax I head outside – setting my walk to a good beat. Really clears my mind, body and soul.

Words_ Patricia Sheahan
Photo_ Akira Hojo/UnSplash

Patricia Sheahan

is part of the Tonic team


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